PHP Syllabus
A PHP course is designed to enable web developers and others users with limited programming experience to build dynamic database driven e-commerce web sites using the PHP programming language.
PHP being a rich and task-specific
language, this course covers the most important range of functions in
depth, and equips the delegates to understand the remaining less
essential aspects.
Live Projects:
According to Nasscom case studies 3,50,000 engineers are passing-out on every year, but who are successfully making their career
that is only 20%, the rest are lacking in live technology and unable to
show live projects on their resume. which is very important to
companies to check your technical abilities.
PHP Mandatory prerequisite:
If you want to learn professional PHP, the
following prerequisites are mandatory, these technologies would help
you to build professional applications for small companies to MNCs.
Program Benefit:
You will be a Website/
Application Developer
1. Introduction to PHP
- What is PHP
- How PHP better than other
- Benefits Of Using PHP MYSQL
- Server Client Environment
- Web Browse Web Server Installation & Configuration Files
2. Development Concept
- How PHP Script Work
- PHP Syntax
- Write your First PHP Program
- PHP Data Types
- Variable In PHP
- Contents In PHP
- Operator In PHP
3. Control Structure:
- If Statement
- If……Else Statement
- If…If Else Statement
- Nested If Statement
- Switch Statement
4. Looping Structure
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Do…While Loop
- For each Loop
5. Function
- What is function
- Syntax
- User Defined Function
- System Defined Function
- Parameterized Function
- Non Parameterize Function
- Date & Time Function
- Hash Function
- Mail Function
6. File Inclusion
7. Array
- What is Array
- Syntax
- Associative Array
- Numeric Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
8. String Function
- Chr()
- strlen()
- strpos()
- strcmp()
9. Working with File
- Opening File
- Reading File
- Writing File
- Closing File
- Appending File
- Uploading File
10. OOPs Concept
- Class & Object
- Access Modifier
- Properties of Object
- Encapsulation and abstraction
- Inheritance.
- Polymorphism.
- Abstract class.
- Function overriding.
11. State Management
- Creating Cookies
- Set Cookies
- Destroying Cookies
- Creating Session
- Set Session
- Destroying Session
12. Error Handling & Exception
- Introduction to Error Handling
- Try, catch, throw Block
13. Introduction to MYSQL
- What is Database?
- Understanding an RDBMS
- Understanding Tables, Record & Fields
- SQL Language
14. Working with MYSQL Admin
- Working with PHP My Admin
- Types Data Type
- Creating Database & Tables
- Dropping Database & Tables
- Adding Fields
- Selecting Table
- Alerting Fields Properties
15. MySQL Function in PHP
- Database Connections
- Managing Database Connections
- Performing Queries
- Closing Connection
16. MYSQL Queries
- Create Database & Table
- Drop Database & Table
- Insert Record
- Select Record
- Deleting Record
- Modifying Record
- WHERE Clause
- Using Operators
- Sorting Records
- Eliminating Duplicates
- Grouping Records, Having Clause
- Joining Tables
- Sub queries
- Using Table And Column Aliases
16. AJAX
- Introduction to AJAX
- AJAX Components
- Java Script
17. CMS Joomla / WordPress
- Introduction to CMS
- Installation of CMS
- Manage administrator
- Module / Article / Menu / Manager
- Template & Plugin Manager
18. On Page SEO
- Title tags
- Meta tags
- Alt tags
- HTML tags
- website URLs
- Meta Keywords
- Meta Description
- H1 Headline Text
- H2 Headline Text
- ALT Attributes and your websites content images
18. Web hosting
- Web Domain
- Web Hosting
- Manage C Panel
- Uploading website
Thanks for sharing such a useful info.