Top companies Providing Industrial Training
in Chandigarh provides a systematic introduction to the developing attitudes,
talent and ways of industry. A student can easily understand how human resources development work.
Role of industrial training?
Industrial training
plays a vital role in a student’s life for his professional development. Understanding of real life
situations and pre-professional work experience is provided.Industrial training
refers to work experience that is relevant to Professional development prior to
graduation. It provides pre-professional work experience with specific
assignments and responsibilities..An industrial training should be relevant to
a students personal career interests and academic courses of
study. Productive industrial training helps student make informed decisions
and improve their marketability after graduation.
Name of companies which provide the Industrial training
1. Infosys
2. Wipro
3. TCS
4. HCL CDC Chandigarh
2. Wipro
3. TCS
4. HCL CDC Chandigarh
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